Author Archives: Celine Miranda

About Celine Miranda

As a 21-year old undergraduate college student, I study, eat, rest, see, and experience many things. Part of this is the world of beauty: cosmetics, home-stuff, organization, landscapes, books. Mostly everything that I saw, I knew had to do with beauty but I also knew that some things had a price. Since I am constantly on a budget, I try to find ways to make-do with my situation and get the best of both worlds. This blog is dedicated to finding ways of appreciating beauty and also staying smart as a shopper! I hope you, yes, you whoever stumbled upon my blog, will be able to find use for the random but helpful *winky face* things in this blog. Feel free to give me suggestions and comments for topics! It'll be very much appreciated! Love, Celine

Post-Valentine’s Celebration


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Last February 22, C.S.I. along with The Coffee Break Club celebrated Valentine’s Day with what we called,  Post-Valentine’s Day. We invited 3 speakers to talk about Love and Relationships from their points of view.



Newly married Clarisse Tiu was the first speaker who shared with us her TOP 3 tips in a relationship:

Clarisse Tiu

Your number one is still yourself. You have to improve yourself and although relationships help one to be fulfilled, you have to fulfill yourself.

Choose well. They say that you can’t choose your family, but you can actually choose your spouse who will be your partner for the family that you’ll have.

There is a need for prayer. God has a plan for each one of us so draw that strength and inspiration from prayers.

Our next speaker was the mother of five children, Amy Miranda.

Amy Miranda

She told us that God really works in mysterious ways. That he always has plans for you wherever you are in life and that you will learn no matter where you are.

Our last speaker was Rosie Luistro, mother of 2 and grandmother of 2 grandchildren.

Rosie Luistro


It’s not easy to change a man so her advice to know how to choose one’s partner based on one’s goals and lifestyle. That all of these are important for future life together. She says that women know how to love a man especially if he’s such a nice man so we should use our head and take our time.


Each of the speakers told the audience a little about their own experiences and their present marriage and our host, Monica Fernandez was able to sum the talk up with these last tips gathered from all speakers:

That the man MUST love you more than you do towards him.

and that God really is NUMBER ONE in any relationship.

Speakers Audience